glData contains a number of different features for displaying data.
Transparent and bordered colour scales.
glData can render a vector field of data. The magnitude of each vector may be represented by either the colour or altering the length. Of note is the TGLArrowLine used to render the field. This class was originally written for the glData project and is available in GLScene.
Connectivity lines can be overlayed over data points.
glData can import and display Surfer grids in either Surfer 7, GSBinary, or GSASCII format. Blanked nodes may be rendered separately.
glData can import and display ESRI ArcInfo Grids (ASCII format).
glData can apply a basemap to a grid. A wide range of image file formats are supported including TIFF, PNG, PSP, PSD, JPEG, BMP, etc
Full support for colour spectrum (CLR) files.
glData comes with a data import component which allows for Comma, Tab, and Space separated value files along with the clipboard. This tool ncludes provision to define the number of header rows to skip as well as control over delimiters.
glData comes with a data export component. Handles Comma, Tab, and Space separated value files along with XML, LateX table/longtable and the clipboard. Includes provision to order the export columns and add delimiters.
glData comes with a data sorting form which can be used to reorder data in a grid. Up to three fields sort fields can be defined in ascending or descending order. Case and null parameters can be specified for each for to refine the sort.